How to Make Chess Symbols on the Keyboard?


♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙

How to Make Chess Symbols on the Keyboard?

In order for you to make the symbols of chess pieces on your computer, you need to use the charmap table.

To open the charmap table ;

- Open the computer start menu,

- Type Decryption in the search box,

- After opening Run, type charmap in the open section and confirm,

- A character map table will appear on the screen that opens,

- Select the MS Gothic font from the font options at the top of the page,

- All the chess symbols are included in the MS Gothic font, select and copy what you want from here.

* Also, by opening the advanced view in the charmap table, you can use the following codes
You can type in the Go to Unicode box and search to find and Decrypt the chess characters you want.

 ♚ ♛ ♜ ♝ ♞ ♟♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙

♚ The code for making the black chess check symbol > U+265A 
♛ The code to make the black chess queen symbol > U+265B 
♜ The code to make the black chess rook symbol > U+265C 
♝ The code to make the black chess elephant symbol > U+265D 
♞ The code for making the black chess horse symbol > U+265E 
♟ The code to make the black chess pawn symbol > U+265F 

♔The code for making the white chess check symbol > U+2654 
♕The code for making the white chess queen symbol > U+2655 
♖The code for making the white chess rook symbol > U+2656 
♗The code for making the white chess elephant symbol > U+2657 
♘The code for making the white chess horse symbol > U+2658 
♙The code for making the white chess pawn symbol > U+2659 

How to Make Chess Symbols on the Keyboard,
How are Chess Signs Made?,
Chess Symbols ,
